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ummm.. I can just walk on the air lol

[BUG REPORT] I can in the first and third levels "skip" to the edges and walk with no problem to the portal and finish the game.
(1 edit) (+1)

Your time was 0 minutes, 58 seconds.
(2 edits)

HTML5 version: The spacebar key does nothing on the second level, it does not rotate the small grid. Browser is latest Chrome on Windows 10 (64 bits). Yes, I disable the ad blocker and force-reloaded the page, the problem still persists.

just walk over the gaps on the smallest grids. i have done it before

That won't work in level 2 though

(1 edit)

I had this issue before but I realized the smaller grid needs to be touching the bigger grid you are on in order for you to rotate it
(Edit: And you need to be facing the grid)

You need to be facing the inner grid, and the inner grid needs to be touching the big grid that you are on for the rotate to work!